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Klavierwochenende intensiv
Wissensvermittlung Klavierunterricht

Intensive piano weekend

On this weekend, advanced pianists and piano teachers activate their heart power

A very special room

For more than 15 years, I have been guiding piano teachers and pianists from a holistic perspective to a completely new and harmonious playing experience. As an expert in holistic and networked thinking at the piano, founder of the SCHNEEMANN® Piano School/Switzerland and author of piano learning guides for the SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system, I follow the guiding principles of natural learning in my work.

Im August 2025 öffne ich zu zweiten Mal einen ganzen besonderen Raum, in dem du dich in kleiner Gruppe vollkommen wertfrei neu mit deinem Spiel verbinden kannst.

15. – 17.08.2025

Intensive piano weekend in beautiful Central Switzerland

Registration is only possible by e-mail!

Das sagt Nicole über das Klavierwochenende

Your why

As an advanced pianist or piano teacher, you are probably familiar with this desire for "more" in your piano playing - for more expression, more freedom. But despite working hard, you are probably not making any progress. This weekend will help you to recognise and release inner and outer blockages. You will recognise your heart as the seat of your essence as a musician, allowing a new depth to enter your piano playing.


Your how

On this piano weekend in August, we will listen deeply. In a small group (maximum of 4 active and other passive participants), you will learn various tools that will enable you to find new approaches not only to playing the piano, but also to yourself. Blockages that have previously stood in the way of your growth will be automatically released. As an active participant, you will receive at least 3 hours of intensive individual coaching in the form of a masterclass, but as a passive participant you will also gain a lot from these sessions.


Erfahrungen meiner Kunden

All the details summarised for you

Unser Event findet offline in der Zentralschweiz statt, um auch physisch eine Begegnung und einen Raum zur Entwicklung zu öffnen. Eine Online Teilnahme ist nicht möglich, da erst in der gemeinsamen Begegnung vor Ort die ganze Magie entstehen kann.

In order to offer all participants the best possible experience, the piano weekend is limited to a small group (maximum 4 active and additional passive participants). 

Als passiver Teilnehmer musst du nicht zwingend ein Instrument spielen, um am Klavierwochenende teilnehmen zu können. 

The cost as an active participant is 1,440 francs/euro. As a passive participant, the piano weekend will cost you 720 francs/euro. 

After and between our work together there will be the opportunity for group activities - if you like. In addition, you can of course ask me any questions about your piano playing exclusively during the weekend.


Registration is only possible by e-mail!
