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The sound of dolphins

The holistic dolphin retreat for musicians, artists and all creative people (entrepreneurs) in the Red Sea from
5-12 October 2024

Then you are one of those people for whom the balancing act between perfection and self-acceptance, ideal and reality is part of their daily bread. Perhaps you are tired of having to perform on the stage of life and long for a space where you can find yourself completely. Where you can reconnect with your essence, with what drives you as a person and an artist. 

Without distractions, just be and without the expectations of others or yourself. 

To feel again what it is like to be completely with yourself, connected with yourself and surrounded by people who are on the same (life) journey in a value-free and (pre-)judgement-free space. 

Because in a world that is dyfunctional in so many areas, in which we very often lose sight of what is truly valuable (connectedness and being connected), it is all the more important to pay attention to our own resources and replenish them. And to do so sustainably, even beyond this period. 

You can also use this space for a new direction. On a large or small scale, depending on what you want and where you are at the moment. We create the space for this together

That appeals to you?

Then we have a special journey for you where you can find all of this and to which we cordially invite you. A journey to true masters of being - the dolphins. 

It can be a journey for you in which you can simply relax, reconnect with yourself and experience an extraordinary adventure. But most people travel to the dolphins because they get answers, keys to deep questions about themselves. 

That's how I felt when I embarked on my first dolphin trip at the end of 2023 and, based on my personal, impressive experience during this trip, the desire arose in me to make this encounter with the dolphins possible in a very special setting for my fellow artists, musicians, entrepreneurs - in short, for all creative people in any form. 

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I myself am an artist (singer, pianist, piano teacher, author), entrepreneur (lecturer, trainer, founder of an international piano school, publisher) and as a life coach I have been accompanying people with different backgrounds in their personal processes, their personal development and in relation to their instrument for over 20 years.

I know the balance between art and entrepreneurship, acting and being, feeling and analytical thinking well and my holistic view always gives me new perspectives on the familiar, which I pass on in various ways. Be it through keynotes (UNIR, EPTA, WPTA,...) or professional articles (Stretta.com, PianoNews) and my intensive piano pedagogical training in holistic, brain-friendly and networked thinking.

We will find out

Learning to listen to ourselves first and foremost before we critically evaluate our own (musical) creations. In which we allow ourselves to be carried by the gentle, silent but powerful force of the dolphins in order to learn from them. Learning how symbiosis works, how to live together in harmony. Silently orchestrated. Never equal, but always equal. Never too much, but always just right.

✔︎ A journey on which we get to know ourselves better.

✔︎ Through the dolphins, with whom we are allowed to be for 5 days, we can let ourselves fall deeper into their presence every day.

✔︎ Being able to let go. Perhaps more deeply than ever before in our lives.

And recognise through human design how you are built and designed. As a human being. How you (ideally) function as a musician, how you can guide your students in an even finer, more targeted way by gaining a fundamental understanding of how his (and your) design works. At the cellular level, in the DNA structure, so that even more energy is released in your life and the struggle can give way to joy and lightness.

We spend 5 nights at Sataya Reef in the Red Sea.

The food will be delicious, the reef heavenly, the friendliness of the crew on board outstanding. As often as possible we will take a Zodiac out to where the dolphins are and swim with them. Watch them and simply enjoy their presence. 

In the evening we will sit down together and I will guide you through 5 steps that you can use to lay the foundation for any realignment. 

Once you have gone through this journey and saved it in your cells, you can repeat it at any time and apply it to any situation. Amber Rojana will support you individually with her knowledge of human design. Participation in the supporting programme is optional. The price remains the same. 

There is room for 8 people and/or couples. Your contribution until the end of April: 1.900.- EUR net (single cabin) (afterwards 2.200.-) For couples 1.600.- EUR per participant (1.900.-). 

For all those who long for real connection again, who want to feel their (creative) creative power, their essence as a musician, creative, artist, entrepreneur again.

5 stops on the journey - a theme every day.

Day 1: My vision, my goal, what do I want to bring into the world, what do I want to express through myself. What have I not allowed myself to live up to now? This shows itself in life, where it has the most emotional charge - whether positive or negative. Introduction to manifestation, conscious creation. We recognise ourselves as infinite beings who are more than just our bodies. Our spirit as the source of every new creation. Amber introduces human design. Shows how this knowledge can open doors for EVEN more connection with ourselves and others. Even with your own children.
Day 2: The seabed: What obstacles, blockages, views, judgements and conclusions are standing in my way? Why might I not want what I want? We gently clear them out of the way. I will introduce techniques for overcoming trauma, tell you about my own healing journey and my experience from over 20 years of guiding people towards holistic healing.
Day 3: The infinite expanse: We have had our first encounters with dolphins. What can we learn from them about the big picture? What natural lightness of being do they exemplify for us? What can we learn from them that serves us and our vision? Where can human design provide support?
Day 4: The boat. What brings us closer to this vision. Let your vision become concrete. What would be the next step now (or after this journey) to make your vision a reality? What brings us closer to this vision? What do you need to feel as supported as possible in the following concrete realisation?
Day 5: The party. A gift awaits the participants. We recognise and celebrate our courage and the birth of your vision, which has taken root, is coming to earth and can now be physically realised. Gathering, exchange among like-minded people. What insights have emerged from this journey in terms of creating synergies, connecting and the opportunities that arise for you personally?

Your guides for this trip

Mailyn Rebecca Henseler

Director of the SCHNEEMANN® piano school, expert in holistic, networked and brain-friendly thinking at the piano and author of a multi-volume piano school series.

For more than 15 years, I have been guiding piano teachers and pianists from a holistic perspective into a completely new and harmonious playing and teaching experience. I regularly certify SCHNEEMANN®️ piano teachers and offer them new career prospects.

In my work, I follow the guiding principle of natural and brain-orientated learning and thus enable piano and music teachers to take a fundamentally new approach to learning and to their own playing.

I am both. Artist (singer, pianist, author) and entrepreneur (founder of an international piano school, lecturer, publisher, brand owner) and can help to unite both worlds.

Duality, polarity.

Up in the sky & down to earth.

Amber Rojana

Mentoring for families and organisations, groups and individuals. Children and young people. Nature education. Systemic coaching and constellation work.

Human Design:
We are more than our thoughts and our bodies. With Human Design, we can immerse ourselves directly in this field, which we also still are, and touch the essence, name it and achieve immediate realisation. In our personal environment, self-perception, for ourselves.
And this fundamentally changes the perception of our friends, parents, children, pupils, ... on the level of being and thus creates clarity and easier interaction and learning success.
An enrichment on all levels.
Living yourself in your own essence and efficiency creates satisfaction and success.

On our journey together with the dolphins, we gain a valuable insight that allows us to touch all levels.

Erschaffe unvergessliche Erinnerungen

All information at a glance

There is room for 8 people and/or couples.

Your contribution until the end of April: EUR 1,900 net in the single cabin (thereafter EUR 2,200).
For couples 1.600,- EUR net per participant (thereafter 1.900,-).
If you would like to pay in CHF, please contact me.

There is an invoice so that you can declare the amount as further education.

All prices include transfer from the hotel/airport to the boat and catering (all-inclusive, without alcohol on board). There are 2 buses that collect the participants and then bring them to the boat and vice versa.

Not included:
Flight to Marsa Alam 2.5h/ Hurghada 4.5h
Tip 70 - 100 EUR (recommended)
Environmental tax 50,-EUR
Both are to be paid in cash directly on the boat.

Snorkelling equipment, fins, diving belts, etc. can also be hired on the boat for a fee. We recommend that you bring (at least) one pair of diving goggles and a snorkel (for quality reasons).

We are looking forward to this special journey with you,
Your Amber & Mailyn