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Latest news

Here you will find the latest news about the SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system, such as newspaper articles or recordings of concerts.

Have fun browsing!

Entdecke die neueste Ausgabe von coach it!

Die Zeitschrift richtet sich an alle, die sich weiterbilden oder die neuesten Coaching-Methoden kennenlernen möchten. Sie berichtet über moderne Coaching-Ansätze und führt hilfreiche Interviews mit erfahrenen Expertinnen und Experten. Darunter auch Mailyn. 

Erfahre mehr über die kreative Lehrmethode von SCHNEEMANN® und die ersten Schritte am Klavier.


The 46th INTERNATIONAL EPTA CONFERENCE will take place from 29 February to 3 March 2024 in Lucerne, Switzerland.

On Saturday 2 March, I will be speaking on the topic of "Holistic, interconnected and brain-friendly learning at the piano - the salvation for the digitally spoiled student brains of a TikTok generation?".

In the anniversary year, pianists, piano teachers and interested parties from all over the world will meet in Lucerne to share ideas and discuss challenges.

Frustrated in music lessons?

On 20.02.2024 the article appeared in Stretta Letter No. 531 of Stretta Music GmbH: Frustriert im Musikunterricht? Wie Du mit den richtigen Fragen entspannter und effizienter unterrichten kannst.

Open Class at the UNIR

On 6 September 2022, we were able to present our innovative piano learning system based on the principles of natural learning at the UNIR Online University. The OPEN CLASS was a great success for our learning system, which activates and connects the visual, kinesthetic and auditory cortex, among others.

Watch the recording here! It is partly in Spanish and partly in German. 

Open Class an der UNIR

Cooperation with Benjamin Mead

The British-Polish-German pianist and internationally renowned songwriter Benjamin Mead has the SCHNEEMANN® - Piano Teacher Training (Module 1) and is about to be certified as a Schneemann piano teacher. He is a lecturer at the Royal Academy of Music in London.

Benjamin is co-author for Mailyn's English edition of the piano school series for the SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system.

You can find more information about Benjamin at his website.

Pianist Benjamin Mead

"REAL-TALK" - Piano teachers talk about their training

Three piano teachers who have taken the plunge into my advanced training programme, Module I, report on their experiences. One of them is very experienced in my learning system, one is a recent graduate and one is still in training with me. 

Mailyn as a guest of Kristin Thielemann from Schott Musikverlag

Educational quartet of musicians in the summer podcast

In May, Mailyn was a guest on the podcast series "Voll motiviert" by Schott Musik Verlag and had an exciting conversation with the wonderful Kristin Thielemann, the harpist Sabrina von Lüdinghausen and the trumpeter Anton Ludwig Wilhalm. The "music education quartet" has been online since Wednesday 22 June 2022!

Click here on the link "Voll motiviert" podcast series and you will be taken directly to the episode. Here you will find many exciting episodes on various music education topics! Kristin Thielemann regularly comes up with important questions and interesting guests. It's worth subscribing!

Interview on Spanish channel

Mailyn as a guest of Eva Gonzales Prieto from "Transmisores de Emociones"

There is also an interview with Mailyn on the YouTube channel of music coach Eva Gonzales Prieto, which was published on 24 June 2022:

Eva explores new approaches to music: her channel  Transmisores De Emociones is all about making music in harmony with your emotions. You can find more information about Eva on her website.

Publication of Spanish volumes

In summer 2022, the SCHNEEMANN® titles were also published in Spanish. The co-authors are Eva García Serrano and Cristian Lang.

These are available HERE.

Success in the competition

We congratulate Amael Kayser - student of the SCHNEEMANN® Piano School for his successful participation in the Rotary Music Prize 2022 in Stans/NW!

Amael was the youngest participant in the piano category at this year's Rotary Music Prize in Stans/NW on 29 January 2022.

He received 57/60 points for his solo performance and also accompanied his sister Noe, who was judged in the violin category, on the piano with the Czardas by V. Monti.

Amael was born in 2010 and was taught by Mailyn Rebecca Henseler in the SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system from the very beginning.


Gestern wurde das Lebenswerk eines großes Mannes, Visionärs, Unternehmers, Künstlers und Kulturförderers geehrt. Heinz Aeschlimann. Sein Wirken, seine Schöpfungen und die Art, wie er die Kunst und im Besonderen junge Künstler fördert, fasziniert, berührt und bewegt mich zutiefst.
Nun hatte mein Schüler Amael und seine Schwester die Ehre, als „Vorgruppe“ für die Hauptkünstlerin des Abends, Donka Angatcheva zu spielen. Vor 2 Jahren hatte Amael die Möglichkeit erhalten in das Förderprogramm Art-St-Urban aufgenommen zu werden, von dem die Pianistin des Abends vor 15 Jahren die erste Künstlerin war, die von diesem Programm unterstützt wurde. So schließt sich der wunderbare Kreis.
Liebe Donka, dein Spiel ist das einer Löwin tanzend auf dem Vulkan – perlend, kraftvoll, souverän und unglaublich sanft zugleich. Wie wundervoll, dass wir uns endlich persönlich kennengelernt haben und – wow, ich freue mich auf ALLES, was durch uns beide – zwei Musikerinnen mit so ähnlichem musikalischem Temperament – Wunderbares in die Welt kommen will!

Danke von ganzem Herzen Art-St-Urban, liebe Gertrud, lieber Heinz für diesen traumhaft schönen Rahmen, den ihr beide zur Verfügung stellt und alles, was ihr für die Kunst und uns Künstler tut – was für ein Geschenk und eine Ehre, so unterstützt zu werden.

Read the latest article about the SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system in PIANO NEWS:

Published in July 2022

Courtesy of Piano News, Carsten Dürrer.

Interview with Alan Fraser

In May 2021, Mailyn was interviewed by the Canadian pianist, piano teacher and Feldenkrais instructor Alan Fraser.

In the interview, Mailyn talks about the SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system and how it can be used in conjunction with Fraser's Pianimals method.

30.04.2021- Conversation concert with the American pianist KATIE MAHAN

With the SCHNEEMANN®-KLAVIERSCHULE and Mailyn R. Henseler as hostess

A concert by an internationally renowned and outstanding pianist. It's worth it: Katie Mahan will not only perform a pianistically demanding Beethoven programme at the highest level, but will also explain and illuminate the programme in an entertaining way so that listeners can better understand and feel what makes Beethoven's piano music so rich.

Student successes from the press:

Ich bin so stolz auf meinen Schüler Amael Kayser. In seinem ersten Konzert mit 11 Jahren spielte er mehr als 30 Minuten Solo und zusammen mit seiner Schwester Noë an der Geige. Als Teilnehmer am Stiftungsprogramm Young Artists in Residence der Art-St-Urban trat er vor begeistertem Publikum auf.
Sie haben die Herzen berührt.
DANKE Art-St-Urban, liebe Gertrud Aeschlimann, lieber Heinz Aeschlimann.
Es war einfach nur wundervoll.

One of Mailyn's pupils reaches the highest musical level at the recent "Central Switzerland Youth Music Competition". She has been taught by M. R. Henseler in the SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system since the age of 5. She also received musical inspiration from Dorian Keilhack, who taught at the Uri Music Academy (founded by M. R. Henseler) from 2012 to 2015.

Mailyn emphasises how Nina has achieved this goal: "The SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system stands for a new piano teaching culture in which top performance on the piano is not achieved through pressure and drill, but with the help of intelligent, neuroscientifically based learning concepts that promote both the joy of playing, the joy of learning and the person as a whole through piano playing."

Mailyn Henseler

Nina Baumann achieves top marks. Source: Urner Zeitung, 10.12.2020

Highest musical level.Source: Luzerner Zeitung, 05.12.2020
