Natürlich Klavierspielen lernen, Notenlesen und Unterrichten
Entdecke, wie Wachstum am Klavier effizient, hirngerecht, phantasievoll und ganzheitlich funktioniert
– unvergleichlich anders.
"Ich bin Entwicklerin des SCHNEEMANN®-Klavierlernsystems und Expertin für ganzheitliches, vernetztes und gehirngerechtes Unterrichten am Klavier. In den letzten 16 Jahren konnte ich über 160 Klavierlehrer zu viel mehr Freude, Leichtigkeit, Erfolg und Erfüllung in ihrem Beruf verhelfen"
– Mailyn Rebecca Henseler
- Deine Schüler haben Probleme beim Notenlesen
- Deinen Schülern fehlt die Orientierung am Klavier
Conventional piano learning relies on memorising and identifying individual note names in the sheet music and the individual transfer to the piano. This way of learning and teaching is simple because it is established and is used by the majority of piano schools and piano teachers worldwide.
As a piano teacher, you have control over the methodology and enjoyment with which your students learn to play the piano.
Our human brain is designed to think in images. Based on this scientific foundation, the SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system was developed, which utilises the power of images for learning the piano.
Kennst du das?
- Deine Schüler üben nicht
- Und wahrscheinlich ähnliche Probleme
Das alles kenne auch ich sehr gut und kann nachvollziehen, dass das Klavierunterrichten auf diese Weise wirklich anstrengend ist. Doch das, muss nicht so bleiben.
Ich helfe dir gerne dabei mit meinen Programmen:
Das ganzheitlich pianistische Coaching für dein persönliches Wachstum beim Spielen am Klavier
This is how you can get started
Mit der Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung aus Modul I konnten eine Vielzahl von Klavierlehrer:innen aus ganz Europa bereits ihren Unterrichtsalltag transformieren. Schließt du dich ihnen an?
Nutze das einzigartige Online-Seminar zur ganzheitlichen und vernetzten Klavierpädagogik – einem innovativen Lernsystem basierend auf den Prinzipien des natürlichen Lernens, um mehr Freude und Leichtigkeit in deinen Unterrichtsalltag zu bringen.
Die Tore für die nächste Staffel mit Start im Dezember sind vom 18. bis 24.11.2024 wieder für dich geöffnet.
I lead piano teachers to more joy, efficiency and impact with their students through a completely new way of teaching piano - holistic, networked and brain-friendly.
I lead piano teachers to more joy, efficiency and impact with their students through a completely new way of teaching piano - holistic, networked and brain-friendly.
How we transform your work

Einen Überblick über mein Lernsystem findest du here.
How we transform your work

From now on, your work will be based on structures, combinations and patterns - in reading, thinking and feeling.

You are aware of the unconscious learning processes so that your students learn more easily and become more capable.

You play AND teach with joy, ease and lively structure.

Your actions become more effective because you are aware of what you have been doing subconsciously for a long time and can control these actions more consciously.

Your work is based on knowledge of the principles of natural learning and how you can help your students to realise their full potential by activating and connecting different regions of the brain.

You will learn how you can develop the whole person through piano playing and help them to blossom in their personality. Whether as a hobby or as an aspiring pianist - you know how to make unconscious learning processes conscious and how to help your students over almost any hurdle.
Einen Überblick über mein Lernsystem findest du here.
0€ Videoserie für Klavierpädagog:innen
Wie deine Schüler:innen im Durchschnitt vier- bis fünfmal schnellere Fortschritte erzielen können.
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Das ganzheitlich pianistisches Coaching
In meinem ganzheitlich pianistisches Coaching erarbeiten wir gemeinsam, im direkten 1:1, deine Weiterentwicklung als KünstlerIn. In diesem individuellen Programm helfe ich dir dabei, dich von Ängsten und negativen Gefühlen zu befreien, wir lösen gemeinsam tief verwurzelte Glaubenssätze über dich sowie dein Spiel und du entwickelst eine stärkere Verbundenheit mit deiner Herzkraft.
- Selbstwirksamkeit am Klavier erfahren.
- Neues Selbstbewusstsein im pianistischem Spiel entwickeln.
- Du weißt, wie du technische Herausforderungen meistern kannst, ohne mit dem Kopf durch die Wand zu müssen.
- Dein Fleiß dient deinem Wissen als Treibstoff und nicht um deine Hindernisse zu Bulldozern.
The SCHNEEMANN® piano school on the
From 29 February to 3 March 2024, the 46th INTERNATIONAL EPTA CONFERENCE will take place in Lucerne, Switzerland, and I have the honour of giving a presentation there.
On Saturday 2 March, I will be speaking on the topic of "Holistic, interconnected and brain-friendly learning at the piano - the salvation for the digitally spoiled student brains of a TikTok generation?".
In the anniversary year, pianists, piano teachers and interested parties from all over the world will meet in Lucerne to share ideas and discuss challenges.

Das berichten Klavierlehrer

Would you like more information?
The SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system is a completely new approach to teaching piano playing and reading music. It combines the latest learning techniques, findings from brain research, learning research and Gestalt psychology to activate and promote our full potential when learning and teaching to play the piano.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions
How do people learn? Why do some people struggle, while others find everything easy? What do gifted people do differently to others? What processes take place in the brain and the entire body system and how can these be transferred to piano lessons?
On the basis of findings from brain research it became clear that different processes in the brain lead to different results. HOW we do things plays the central role. These processes have now been researched and learning tools and practice methods have been developed that enable a new dimension of knowledge transfer in piano lessons. According to Maria Montessori's motto "Help me to do it myself and have patience to understand my ways".
The Schneemann® piano learning system contains highly effective strategies and learning techniques aimed at "knowing" how to play the piano and teach skillsto learn pieces more easily and effortlessly and to play them by heart. Students who learn to play the piano with the Schneemann® piano learning system make on average 4-5 times faster progress. Because our brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text and these are linked so seamlessly with the appropriate playing technique from the very beginning of piano lessons that the realisation of note structures is practically effortless. More information - click here.
The SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system consciously networks different regions of the brain, which, by working together and networking, make it much easier to learn new and complex things. It encounters the the complexity of playing the piano with simple pictures, simple language and a lot of imagination, that packs sophisticated ideas into amazingly simple stories and pictures.
As one student put it, the SCHNEEMANN® piano learning system teaches "the real through the unreal". This is how structure and logic wrapped in fantasy and images and DOING and realising comes BEFORE grasping: "First grasp, then grasp", "From big to small learning", "Always combine the new with the known and familiar".
Playing a piece is no longer the result of the unconscious "reeling off" of countless repetitions of movement sequences that are burnt into the subconscious and quickly forgotten (pure motor memory), but is based on real knowledge and the networking of the whole person with all his conscious and unconscious levels and is therefore extremely sustainable. These learning techniques make it possible to read music at lightning speed as well as to memorise and learn difficult passages easily and effortlessly.
For everyone. Children from pre-school age as well as adults, whether beginners of all ages or professional pianists and piano teachers: everyone benefits from the efficient approaches, highly effective learning strategies and the holistic and networked approaches of our learning system and can thus also reduce their practice time many times over, with equally reliable results.